Group 26

Featured News and Insights

The Halfway Mark

The halfway mark. Stocks closed mixed but mostly down yesterday as a new strain of COVID, found in the UK, spooked bulls. Congress got the job done, passing a $900 billion relief package.
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Meh. Stocks pared gains on Friday as Congress continued its dance in the chambers of Capitol Hill. Higher than average pre-holiday volume, changes to the S&P500, and options expirations caused some discomforting volatility.
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Oh, What A Feeling

Oh, what a feeling. Stocks rose to new heights yesterday as lawmakers inched yet closer to a new stimulus package. Exuberance over new stimulus won out over disappointing job numbers.
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No Refills

No refills. Stocks had a mixed close yesterday as the Fed decided not to change a thing. A slide in Retail Sales growth confirmed that the recovery is slowing down even as the typically brisk holiday shopping season began.
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Almost Cooked

Almost cooked. Stocks rallied yesterday as Congressional leaders appeared to zero in on a stimulus package. Motivation on both sides of the isle sparked a broad-based rally in stocks.
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By A Thread

By a thread. Stocks struggled to hold on to early gains as the Senate continued to flounder on fiscal relief. Healthcare workers are getting vaccinated and the US national death toll passed another ugly milestone, leaving investors on edge.
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