Group 26

Featured News and Insights

Instantly Gratified

Instantly gratified. Markets staged somewhat of a comeback on Friday after Thursday’s rout as bullish stock investors tried to buy the dip… again. Stocks had a bumpy ride throughout the session but ultimately rallied into the close led by the usual suspect recovery stocks.
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Bubble Trouble

Bubble trouble. Stocks got hammered in yesterday’s session as traders took a gut check on the nation’s recovery. News of growing COVID cases around the US soured investor sentiment causing a violent sell-off in stocks which were high flyers… just a few days ago.
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It's Not A Sprint

It’s not a sprint. Stocks had another mixed close yesterday with tech pulling the Nasdaq to another new all-time high as new virus cases picked up steam. The Fed has our backs for the foreseeable future… at least until 2022, according to Jerome Powell.
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Don't Look Down!

Don’t look down! The rally in stocks took a breather yesterday as investors assessed how fast and just how far we have come. New global virus cases hit a new high yesterday while more and more shelter orders are lifted in the US.
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It's Official

It’s official. Stocks continued to rally yesterday as the largest economy in the world is getting back on its feet. Investors rushed in to buy overbought stocks which were once cheapened by the onset of the pandemic… again.
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Recess Is Over

Recess is over. Stocks rallied strongly on Friday on a surprising uptick in employment for May. Economists were expecting more job losses and an increase in the unemployment rate but the actual number proved them wrong on both accounts… and the market approved.
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