Group 26

Featured News and Insights

One and Done

One and done. Stocks surged yesterday emboldened by the aggressive Fed and encouraging news on the vaccine front. Traders woke up to surging markets and news from a once-small biotech firm sent the indexes ablaze with hope.
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Who's Buying?

Who’s buying? Stocks ended Friday’s session higher despite abysmal retail data. New technology sanctions threaten to derail last year’s trade cease-fire in the US-China trade war, a new unknown now added to an already formidable list. N O T E W O R T H Y Maybe not this month. My regular readers...
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Silver Linings

Silver linings. Stocks went on a wild ride yesterday pulling out of early losses closing in the green as investors bet on a brighter, eventual, future. Beaten down bank stocks got a lift yesterday, leading the rally.
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Just A Bucket Of Ice

Just a bucket of ice. Stocks sold off for a second straight session as traders began to fear that a recovery might take a bit longer than they originally hoped. Fed Chairman Jerome Powell raised a warning that the country’s economic outlook is highly uncertain, requiring more stimulus.
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All Over The Map

All over the map. Stocks slid yesterday as a steady stream of bad news caused bulls to lose their nerve. Selling accelerated into the close as many wondered if the prior week's optimism was a bit overdone.
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Fear Factor

Fear factor. Stocks had a mixed close yesterday as investors were concerned that a "second wave" might not be so good for the economy. Deeper losses earlier in the session gave way to later session buying because it is hard to hold back market optimism, even though it may be unfounded.
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