Group 26

Featured News and Insights

Financial Medicine

Financial medicine. Stocks rallied yesterday as the administration shared its plans to heal the sickening economy. The Fed continued to roll out stimulus for banks and added a package for corporations as well.
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Below Deck

Below deck. Stocks were hit hard yesterday after traders digested economic news over the weekend and Chinese economic numbers were worse than expected. A regional Fed report showed manufacturing conditions in the region deteriorated by a record amount confounding fear in yesterday’s trade.
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Winter in Springtime

Winter in springtime. Stocks rallied in an epic snapback on Friday in response to Government action. The move in stocks almost made up for the prior day’s loss which was the largest single day percentage loss since 1987.
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Aches Aplenty

Aches aplenty. Stocks were hit hard yesterday after being disappointed by Wednesday night’s Oval Office speech and the ECB’s keeping rates steady. The Fed stepped in with a massive liquidity package which was only met by a brief applause before the selling intensified into the close.
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Madness, Continued

Madness, continued. Stocks fell yesterday on upset hopes of stimulus and the WHO labeling the Coronavirus a pandemic. The eleven year old bull market ended for the Dow Jones Industrial Average, which entered bear territory yesterday.
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Promises, Promises

Promises, promises. Stocks rebounded yesterday on hopes that the Administration will provide relief for virus stricken workers and companies. Treasury yields swung wildly upward continuing their unprecedented behavior.
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