Group 26

Featured News and Insights

Sweet n' Sour

Sweet n’ sour. Equities slipped slightly yesterday as investors assessed Congressional approval of the USMCA trade agreement within minutes of announcing articles of impeachment. Conflicting information on the Phase One trade deal put stocks on a bumpy road in the session.
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Wait, what?

Wait, what? Stocks slumped yesterday as investors remembered that new tariffs could be just a week away. In the wake of last Friday’s blowout numbers, reality began to set in.
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You're Hired!

You’re hired! Stocks leapt higher on Friday in response to a surprisingly good jobs number. Bulls settled in for the ride piecing together all of the positive news, pushing trade to the back burner.
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Hammering Away

Hammering away. Stocks edged up slightly yesterday as investors were somewhat optimistic about a trade deal. Once again, trade talks with China was the force behind the markets.
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Bounce House

Bounce house. Stocks bounced back yesterday on a report that, despite all of the negative signs, the US and China are still close to a deal. Trade positivity kept weak economic numbers in traders’ blindspots.
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Press Mute

Press mute. Stocks dropped for a third straight session on fears that a trade deal may not happen anytime soon. New fronts in the trade war have been opened with Argentina, Brazil, and France, making investors uneasy. N O T E W O R T H Y Messy messaging. Wow… or maybe not. Yesterday, a very chatty...
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