Group 26

Featured News and Insights

Break Those Chains

Break those chains. Stocks soared yesterday in response to some positive economic data and renewed trade talks between the US and China. While stocks climbed, bonds took a beating as traders asserted their newfound faith in the US economy.
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A Happy Place :)

A happy place :) It was risk-on for equities yesterday as Hong Kong officials relented to protesters. In the UK, Parliament took control, limiting the potential for a hard Brexit which provided some extra encouragement to stock bulls.
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Manufacturing a Mess

Manufacturing a mess. Stocks sank yesterday on trade fears and a not-so-surprising pullback in US manufacturing. China lodged a complaint about US tariffs to the WTO and bad economic numbers drove the selling in yesterday’s session.
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They’re Here!

They’re here! Stocks closed moderately higher on Friday finishing off a week of winding down trade tensions. Despite some undesirable economic data, stocks managed a positive close for the last week in August.
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In a relationship

In a relationship. Stocks rallied for a second straight day on renewed trade hopes as China appears to be holding out an olive branch. Despite some disappointing GDP figures and earnings results investors were elated that the US and China were talking again.
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Joy riding

Joy riding. Stocks rose yesterday as no bad news on trade hit the tape. Crazy UK politics was not enough to upset investors who took the glass half full view and bought equities.
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