Group 26

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Which Way is Up?

Which way is up? Stocks traded up on Friday as traders scraped up bits of hope that a speedy deal will be reached with China. Stocks gave up early gains on a positive Trump comment but still managed to close in the black on the lowest volume day of the year.
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No Quarter

No quarter. Stocks gave no mercy to investors yesterday as trade fears and disappointment in the Fed sent shares lower. Continued fallout from the Huawei ban sent chip manufacturers down and increased crude supply put the energy sector into a tailspin.
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Stress Mess

Stress mess. Stocks slid yesterday as trade tensions continued to weigh on traders and the Fed seemed content with rates just as they are. Tuesday’s optimism gave way to stress as investors began to think about a potential trade retaliation from China.
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Temporary Relief

Temporary relief. Stocks rallied yesterday on news that the Commerce Department would give temporary exemptions to some companies impacted by the Huawei ban. Despite the trade talk standstill, hopeful traders reversed much of Monday’s selloff in technology, which led markets higher.
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Chip Whip!

Chip whip! Stocks fell yesterday propelled by fallout from the escalating trade war as the reality of technology sanctions began to set in. The technology-heavy sectors bore the brunt of selling in yesterday’s session as companies complied with the Huawei ban.
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The Trade Fade

The trade fade. Stocks were all over the map on Friday, opening lower on trade fears, climbing into the black on positive trade comments, and ultimately closing in the red because trade problems are still not resolved. It was a down-up-down day for stocks in which high consumer confidence along...
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