Group 26

Featured News and Insights

Stuck in the Mud

Stuck in the mud. Stocks closed mixed yesterday as investors were unsure about what to make of an inverted yield curve and an anticlimactic end to the Mueller report. Stocks seesawed around the breakeven mark finding old resistance as investors lacked the willpower to break free.
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Upside Downside

Upside downside. On Friday, stocks sold off as Eurozone manufacturing slumped and the US Treasury yield curve inverted sparking recession fears. The market received a double dose of bad medicine on Friday causing equity traders indigestion while bonds rallied.
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Rerun. Stocks surged yesterday in a move reminiscent of the days of easy money with tech leading the way and financials pulling up the rear. Investors chose to view Wednesday’s fed statement as “half full” reversing the negative sentiment that drove equities down late in Wednesday's session.
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U Turn Complete

U Turn Complete. After a Trump comment and a very dovish Fed, markets took investors on a wild ride yesterday ultimately closing mixed to mostly down. Yesterday’s session was jam-packed with emotional twists and turns as traders were trying to figure out if bad is good or bad is bad.
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Dots R Us

Dots R Us. Markets swung wildly yesterday as investors initially rode equities up on hope for all things great only to sell off on trade fears late in the session. Markets have priced in earnings growth, a US China trade pact, and a forever-dovish Fed - any challenge to those hopes are met with...
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The Lazy River

The lazy river. Stocks drifted down (or rather up) a lazy river with the Federal reserve, closing slightly higher in yesterday’s session. Traders defied any negativity choosing instead to follow on last week's bullish momentum as retail investors jumped into the fray in a FOMO trade.
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