Group 26

Featured News and Insights

Stop, drop, and roll

Stop, drop, and roll. Equity markets spent the better part of yesterday’s session trying to claw their way out of early session deficits but any hopes of a solid close were dashed by a Presidential Tweet. Trump announced a plan to add an additional 10% tariff on $200 billion in Chinese exports...
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Up, up and away!

Up, up and away! Stocks rose again in yesterday’s session after receiving positive economic news and the potential for a Canadian trade deal. In fact, stock traders were really looking for excuses to buy yesterday as momentum and animal spirits were the real drivers in the positive move. If you...
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Rolling with it

Rolling with it. Equity markets were able to float into a positive close yesterday, though the animal spirits of prior sessions took a well-deserved break. On a quiet, low volume day the S&P500, the Russell 2000, and the NASDAQ 100 indices all eked out new highs yesterday and Dow Jones came to rest...
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Flying High

Flying high. Both the S&P500 and NASDAQ 100 closed at new highs yesterday helped along by the announcement of a US Mexico trade deal… of course momentum helped a bit as well. The S&P500 muscled to a new high once again yesterday closing just below its intraday high as traders pressed down on the...
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Happy Days!

Happy Days! The S&P500 is back on top! Fed Chief Jerome Powell said just enough to spur the large cap index to elevate itself to a new high close. Interestingly, Powell really didn’t provide any new revelations. He actually repeated his typical party line of methodical rate hikes with a slow...
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An object in motion stays in motion

An object in motion stays in motion. A well known quote from Newton’s first law. The lesser spoken part of that law states that the object stays in motion unless acted upon by an unbalanced force. I am not sure if Newton was writing about equity markets, but that certainly appeared to be the case...
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