Group 26

Featured News and Insights

Sitting Bull

Sitting Bull. No, not the famous Lacota Leader of Little Bighorn Battle fame. I am talking about the market, of course. Yesterday’s news cycle was a battle between, what many were calling, the longest bull market in history and the beltway turmoil caused by the Manafort conviction and the Cohen...
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What's in a number?

What’s in a number? Well, if that number happens to be the all time high set by the S&P500 Index back in January, it might be the number that traders aim for when attempting to spur a me-too rally causing the crowd to rush in for fear of missing out. That number at the start of yesterday’s session...
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Somethings gotta give

Something’s gotta give. Yesterday, being a quiet news day, allowed traders to follow on positive sentiment and rally equity indices and bonds (yes you read it correctly, bonds). The day started with some M&A news as Pepsi announced its intention to acquire SodaStream and the news was followed by...
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Weak Week

Weak week. Last week was one marked with weakness in foreign currencies, weakness in the case for sleep-deprived tweeting (see Tesla), and weakness in the sectors that have done the bulk of the pulling of equity markets in the currently shifting market regime. What was not weak last week were...
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Don’t worry be happy!

Don’t worry be happy! Equity markets rallied yesterday with high hopes that a meeting with low level Chinese trade officials scheduled for next week will end the ongoing trade rift between the US and China. The markets were so elated at the prospect of a breakthrough with China that the EM...
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Testing the Limits!

Testing the limits! Adorning the fronts of theaters and playbills are the highly recognized drama masks depicting one frowning and one smiling mask. This symbol, in fact, goes back to ancient Greece and is still relevant today not only for theater but also on the stage of international politics,...
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