Group 26

Featured News and Insights

Is the Fed playing mind games?

Stocks had a mixed close in another bumpy session as investors await the wave of numbers that will begin today. The Fed convenes for a 2-day debate on what to do next.
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Up and down and all around

Stocks rallied on Friday to close out a tough week after a benign inflation figure injected some much-needed optimism on Fed rate cuts. The Presidential race heats up as new polls show Harris picking up some momentum.
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Not-so-fast food and a lesson in economics

Yesterday, stocks closed mixed on a bumpy day which left even the most seasoned Wall Street vets grasping for solid answers. The US economy grew faster than economists predicted, which SHOULD be a good thing… for everyone.
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Knowing what is a baby and what is bathwater is paramount

Stocks were routed yesterday as weak-handed investors let loose some of their favorite mega cap techs, opting for easy Treasuries. Flash manufacturing PMI slipped into contraction zone, but overall sentiment is carried higher by services.
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Economic theory is real and it’s not supernatural forces at work

Stocks gave investors a bumpy ride yesterday as they digested mixed earnings. Candidate-apparent Kamala Harris closes in on rival Trump, but still has plenty of ground to cover.
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The pace of the race

Stocks gained yesterday as traders struggled to figure out what potential Pres candidate Harris could do for Wall Street. The bulls decided dip a horn into the water to see if it was time to buy the dip on recently soft mega caps.
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